Sow a seed…(Panda mbegu)

Mention panda mbegu (sow a seed) to Kenyans and many will hurl words of insults back at you. Others who’ve been intoxicated by ‘Preachers of L.A’ the movie will bitterly tell you how panda mbegu (sow a seed) churches have become mega through what they now believe to be a scam. To some extent, their anger is understandable following recent scandals. But to a greater extent, it is not.

The law of sowing and reaping, giving and receiving is a biblical principle that cannot be nullified. Seed time and harvest will never cease, and bread cast upon the waters will be found after many days as the bible clearly states. But, don’t get me wrong. As much as I believe in this law, I am not blind to the fact that panda mbegu (sowing) has been widely misused by those Jesus called hirelings. Those who do not care about the sheep.

Well, my intention today is not to stir anyone to send money to any televangelist with the promise of receiving a 24hr miracle. Neither am I writing to encourage those on facebook compelled to hit like, share, or type amen on those heart-breaking images/posts with the promise to receive an instant miracle if they do, or receive a curse if they don’t…No. I intend to extend the definition of this principle from monetary value to good works.

Last week, the generosity of Kenyans on social media touched the hearts of many. Following an article by a well-known blogger, Kenyans gave bountifully within 24 hrs to help Emmanuel a.k.a Jadudi meet the cost of a forth brain surgery in India. The trending hashtag #1MilliForJadudi got Kenyans donating, raising six times the required amount needed to get “that thing” (a cancerous tumor) out of Jadudi’s head.

Also, in the recent past, we’ve had similar acts of mercy, but this time on air, during a breakfast show in a popular Kenyan vernacular radio station. Listeners respond heartily to a highlighted plea, donate to off-set huge medical bills and support cancer victims acquire medical treatment abroad by giving surpassing the target in few hours. Shiro wa GP’s can attest to that. These campaigns have restored hope to many, rousing many terminally ill to soldier on and keep fighting. Well, I call this sowing mercy and kindness.

You know, we sow and reap different kind of seeds on a daily basis. When we show people compassion, we reap compassion. If treat them with honor, we reap honor. When we chose not to forgive, we reap unforgiveness. If we sow acts of betrayal, we reap betrayal. And those who show mercy obtain mercy according to the beatitudes. In actual fact, the harvest usually comes in multiples, either for good or evil deed. Just like Jacob had a taste of his own medicine. He succeeded outwitting his aging father, Isaac. Decades later, a more far reaching family deception befell him when Laban gave him Leah instead of Rachael.

The seeds of good deeds like those sown to Jadudi are always before God and bringing glory to Him. Whoever gives to the poor lends to God, and the Lord pays back those loans in full (Prov 19:17). Certainly, the best seed one can sow when trusting God for a spouse, a job, a child, or those other things we believe God for, is by making it happen for another. Pray for someone in the same situation, give shelter to a homeless person if you can, pay school fees for a needy child, rock someone’s baby before yours comes, take part in someone’s marriage plans, get involved and labor in whichever way you can for another.

Even so, we should not grow weary in instances where we do not receive any approval or appreciation from men. If we persevere, God will multiply our seed of good works and send back a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over in due season. It comes when we least expect.

Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not

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